ROF SI Photoveetecector Avalanche Avalanche Mothandodod нь ганц бие фотон детекторыг ажиллуулж байна
This product is a visible light band single photon detector(Photodetector). The core device uses SiAPD, integrates optical, structural, electrical and software technologies, and has the characteristics of high detection efficiency, strong maintenance and strong environmental adaptability. It is widely used in the fields of single photon Lidar, fluorescence detection, single photon imaging and quantum key distribution. This product uses Si avalanche photodiodes operating in Geiger mode for single photon detection in visible wavelengths. Тэдний дунд 850nm дан фотоны хувьд 850nmence-ийн ердийн гүйцэтгэлийн үр ашиг нь> 50%, бараан тоо
ROF -BPR series of balanced light detection module (balanced photodetector Silicon Photodetector)integrates two matching photodiode and an ultra-low noise transimpedance amplifier, effectively reducing the laser noise and common mode noise, improving the system's noise ratio, having a variety of spectral response optional , Low noise, high gain, easy to use and so on, Mainly being used for spectroscopy, heterodyne detection, Оптик саатал хэмжилт, оптик уялдаа холбогч, бусад талбарууд.